
出典 Alien Archive 4 pg. 152, Alien Archive 2 pg. 148, Alien Archive pg. 152
 書式防御能力 不定形
出典 Alien Archive 4 pg. 152, Alien Archive 3 pg. 150, Alien Archive pg. 152, Alien Archive 2 pg. 149
 書式防御能力 水陸両生
出典 Alien Archive 4 pg. 152, Alien Archive 2 pg. 149, Alien Archive pg. 152, Alien Archive 3 pg. 150
 クリーチャーは標準アクションとしてKACに対する特殊攻撃を試みることができる。成功した場合、ダメージを与えないが、クリーチャーに対して付着する。付着すると、クリーチャーはそのACに(遮蔽から)+4のボーナスを得、近接攻撃に対して+2の状況ボーナスを得るが、付着しているクリーチャーのみ攻撃できる。付着しているクリーチャーは自力では移動したり(目標と一緒に移動したりすることはできる)、両手を必要とするアクションを行ったり、機会攻撃を行ったりすることはできない。付着されたクリーチャーは移動アクションとして【筋力】判定(DC =10+クリーチャーのCRの1.5倍)に成功したときに取り除くことができる。または移動アクションとして目標から自分を離すことができる。
 書式近接 付着+6
出典 Alien Archive 4 pg. 152, Alien Archive 3 pg. 150, Alien Archive pg. 152, Alien Archive 2 pg. 149
 書式オーラ 放射線(30フィート、DC 17);追加情報が必要な場合、オーラには特殊能力の欄にも記載されている。
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 152
 クリーチャーは、視覚なく効果的に機能する特定の不正確な非視覚的感覚を持っている。この特殊感覚は括弧内に示されている。非視覚的感知の詳細については、&i(){Starfinder Core Rulebook}の262ページを参照せよ。
 書式感覚 非視覚的感知(振動)60フィート
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 152
 擬似視覚は非視覚的感知のより正確なバージョンである。この能力は、指定された範囲で機能する。擬似視覚を持つクリーチャーは通常カッコ書きで指定されている特定の種類の感覚を使って知覚する。詳細については、&i(){Starfinder Core Rulebook}の262ページを参照せよ。
 書式感覚 擬似視覚(生命力)60フィート
ブレス攻撃(超常)/Breath Weapon
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 152, Alien Archive 2 pg. 149, Alien Archive 3 pg. 150
 書式:”攻撃能力” ブレス攻撃(60フィートの円錐形、8d6 F、反応・DC 18・半減、1d4ラウンドに1回使用可能);ブレス攻撃の効果がより複雑な場合は、特殊能力の欄にもある。
変身(超常)/Change Shape
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 152, Alien Archive 2 pg. 149, Alien Archive 3 pg. 150
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 153, Alien Archive 2 pg. 149, Alien Archive 3 pg. 150
 書式:”その他の特殊能力” 収縮
人造の完全耐性(変則)/Construct Immunities''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 153, Alien Archive 3 pg. 150, Alien Archive 2 pg. 149, Alien Archive pg. 153
 書式:”完全耐性” 人造の完全耐性
'暗闇作成(超常)/Create Darkness''
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 153
 書式:”攻撃能力” 暗闇作成
出典 'Alien Archive 3 pg. 151, Alien Archive pg. 153, Alien Archive 2 pg. 149
 書式:”攻撃能力” 破砕(4d6+8 B)
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 153
 クリーチャーは、光源がまったくなくても、記載されている距離の範囲を見ることができる。Starfinder Core Rulebookの263ページを参照せよ。
 書式:”感覚” 暗視60フィート
出典 'Alien Archive 2 pg. 150, Alien Archive pg. 153
 クリーチャーは、生存するか正常に機能するために物質、感覚、または何か他のものに依存している。クリーチャーが生存するためになにかに依存している場合(水など)、そのクリーチャーは、その【耐久力】修正値の5倍に等しい分数の間それがない状態で生存することができる。この制限を超えると、クリーチャーは窒息や死亡などの悪影響のリスクを冒す。通常通り機能するものに依存しているクリーチャー(視力による視覚がなく、擬似視覚を持つクリーチャーなど)は、通常、それを失うとnegative conditionを得る。
 書式:”弱点” 疑似視覚に対する依存性
属性検知(擬呪または超常)/Detect Alignment''
出典 'Alien Archive 3 pg. 151, Alien Archive 2 pg. 150, Alien Archive pg. 154
 書式:”感覚” 属性検知
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 150
 書式:”攻撃能力” わずらわす(DC 15)
地潜り(変則)/Earth Glide''
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 154
 クリーチャーが穴を掘るとき、魚が水の中を泳ぐのと同じくらい簡単に、金属を除く、土、石、または他のほとんどすべての種類の地面を通り抜けることができる。 [火炎]ダメージから保護されていれば、溶岩の中を地潜りすることさえできる。この穴掘り移動ははトンネルや穴を残さず、波紋やその他の存在の兆候も生み出さない。
 書式:”その他の能力” 地潜り
エレメンタルの完全耐性(変則)/Elemental Immunities''
出典 'Alien Archive 2 pg. 150, Alien Archive pg. 154
 書式:”完全耐性” エレメンタルの完全耐性
生命力吸収(変則)/Energy Drain''
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 154
 A successful energy drain attack inflicts one or more negative levels (as described in the ability). If an attack that includes an energy drain scores a critical hit, it inflicts twice the listed number of negative levels. Unless otherwise specified in the draining creature’s description, it gains 5 temporary Hit Points for each negative level it inflicts on an opponent. These temporary Hit Points last for a maximum of 1 hour. Negative levels from energy drain remain until 24 hours have passed or until they are removed with magic or technology. If a negative level isn’t removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected target must attempt a Fortitude saving throw (the exact DC is given in the creature’s stat block). On a success, the negative level goes away. On a failure, the negative level becomes permanent. A separate saving throw is required for each negative level. See page 252 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook for more about negative levels.
 書式:'近接' 叩きつけ=+24(6d12+22 B、加えて生命力吸収);”攻撃能力” 生命力吸収(2レベル、DC22)
高速治癒(変則)/Fast Healing''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 153, Alien Archive 3 pg. 151, Alien Archive 2 pg. 150, Alien Archive pg. 154
 書式防御能力 高速治癒5
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 153, Alien Archive 3 pg. 151, Alien Archive 2 pg. 150, Alien Archive pg. 154
 書式防御能力 凶暴性
出典 'Alien Archive 3 pg. 151, Alien Archive pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 150
 書式移動速度 飛行60フィート(変則、完璧)
畏怖すべき存在(変則または超常)/Frightful Presence''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 153, Alien Archive 3 pg. 151, Alien Archive 2 pg. 150, Alien Archive pg. 154
 The creature’s presence unsettles its foes. It can activate this ability as part of the action of making an attack or as a move action, but it can activate it only once per round. This ability usually has a range of 30 feet. Opponents within range must succeed at a Will save or become shaken. The duration is 5d6 rounds unless the ability says otherwise. Once an opponent has been exposed to a creature’s frightful presence (whether or not the opponent succeeds at its saving throw), it can’t be affected by the same creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours. This is an emotion, fear, mind-affecting, and sense-dependent effect.
 書式オーラ 畏怖すべき存在(30フィート、意志・DC22)
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 151, Alien Archive 3 pg. 151
 Opponents that look at a creature with a gaze ability are in danger of being charmed, paralyzed, turned to stone, or subjected to another negative effect. Each opponent within the gaze’s listed range must attempt a saving throw (usually Fortitude or Will) at the beginning of its turn. On a successful save, the effect is negated. An opponent can give itself an advantage against this ability in one of two ways.
 Looking Obliquely: An opponent that avoids looking directly at the creature’s gaze (either by following the creature’s shadow or by tracking it in a reflective surface) or that looks at the creature through a camera or heads-up display gains a +4 circumstance bonus to the saving throw. However, the creature with the gaze ability gains concealment against that opponent.
 Blocking Its Vision: By completely blocking or covering its own visual sensors, an opponent doesn’t need to attempt a save against the gaze. However, the creature with the gaze ability gains total concealment against that opponent.
 Gaze abilities can affect ethereal opponents but not opponents without visual sensors. A creature is immune to the gaze abilities of others of its kind unless otherwise noted. Allies of a creature with a gaze ability can still be affected, but they’re always considered to be looking obliquely at the creature. The creature can also veil its eyes, thus negating its gaze ability.
 書式:”攻撃能力” 麻痺の凝視(60フィート、意志・DC 14)
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive 3 pg. 152, Alien Archive 2 pg. 151, Alien Archive pg. 155
 書式:'近接' 爪=+8(1d6+4、加えてつかみ)
出典 'Alien Archive 3 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 151
 書式:”完全耐性” [強酸]、麻痺
光による盲目化(変則)/Light Blindness''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 151, Alien Archive pg. 155, Alien Archive 3 pg. 152
 書式:”弱点” 光による盲目化
限定的テレパシー(変則または超常)/Limited Telepathy''
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 155
 クリーチャーは、言語を共有している記載された距離以内のすべてのクリーチャーと精神的に会話できる。詳細はStarfinder Core Rulebookの259ページを参照せよ。
 書式:”言語” limited telepathy 30フィート
夜目(変則)/Low-Light Vision''
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 155
 書式感覚 夜目
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 151, Alien Archive 3 pg. 152
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 151, Alien Archive pg. 155, Alien Archive 3 pg. 152
 書式:”複数回攻撃” 噛みつき=+10(1d4+11)、爪(×2)=+10(1d4+11)
肉体攻撃(変則)/Natural Weapons''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive 3 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 151
 加えて、この能力を持つプレイヤー・キャラクターは、非致傷ダメージを与え、archaicとしてみなされず、マスを脅かすことができる特集な素手打撃で攻撃することができる。3レベルの時点で、この素手打撃はWeapon Specialization特技の特殊なバージョンを得て、この素手打撃のダメージ・ロールに(通常通りキャラクター・レベルを加えるのではなく)キャラクター・レベルの1.5倍を加えることができる。
無呼吸(変則)/No Breath''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 155, Alien Archive 3 pg. 153
粘体の完全耐性(変則)/Ooze Immunities''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive 3 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152
 書式:”完全耐性” 粘体の完全耐性
植物の完全耐性(変則)/Plant Immunities''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 155, Alien Archive 3 pg. 153
 書式:”完全耐性” 植物の完全耐性
出典 'Alien Archive 3 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 156
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 154, Alien Archive 3 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 156, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152
 The creature regains Hit Points at the start of its turn, as with fast healing, but it can’t die as long as its regeneration is still functioning (although creatures with regeneration still fall unconscious when their Hit Points reach 0). Certain attacks, typically those that deal acid or fire damage, cause a creature’s regeneration to stop functioning for 1 round. During this round, the creature doesn’t regain Hit Points and can die normally. The creature’s stat block describes the types of damage that suppress the regeneration.
Regeneration doesn’t restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation. Creatures with regeneration can regrow lost portions of their bodies and can reattach severed body parts if they’re recovered within 1 hour of severing. Severed parts that aren’t reattached wither and decompose normally.
A creature usually must have a Constitution score or modifier to have this ability.
 書式:Defensive Abilities regeneration 5 (acid).
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 156, Alien Archive 3 pg. 153
 クリーチャーは、攻撃ごとに特定の種別([強酸]、[氷雪]、[雷撃]、[火炎]、[音波])ダメージを無視するが、完全耐性はない。詳細については、Core Rulebookの264ページを参照せよ。
 書式抵抗 [強酸]10
暗闇を見通す(超常)/See in Darkness''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 155, Alien Archive pg. 156, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152
 書式感覚 暗闇を見通す
Sense Through(超常)/Sense Through''
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 156
 The creature can sense through obstacles that would normally block the ability to perceive what is beyond them. The specific sense this ability applies to is indicated in parentheses after the sense through entry in the creature’s statistics. If the ability allows the creature to sense through only a specific material, that material is listed after the specific sense. For more information on sense through, see page 264 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.
 書式感覚 sense through (vision).
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 155, Alien Archive pg. 156, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152, Alien Archive 3 pg. 153
 書式感覚 sightless.
呪文抵抗(変則)/Spell Resistance''
出典 'Alien Archive pg. 156
 クリーチャーは、直接影響を与えるいくつかの呪文や擬似呪文能力の効果を回避することができる。呪文または擬似呪文能力が呪文抵抗を持つクリーチャーに対して機能するかを決定するために、術者は術者レベル判定(1d20+術者レベル)を試みなければならない。結果がクリーチャーの呪文抵抗以上の場合、その呪文は正常に機能するが、クリーチャーは通常許可されているセーヴィング・スローを試みることができる。詳細については、Starfinder Core Rulebookの254ページを参照せよ。
 書式SR 18
Stellar Alignment(超常)/Stellar Alignment''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 155, Alien Archive 3 pg. 153, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 156
 The creature is aligned to the cycles of solar systems. Creatures with stellar alignment usually have stellar revelations and zenith revelations, either ones from the solarian class or ones unique to the creature. When using stellar revelations, the creature is always considered attuned. However, it’s not always considered fully attuned, so it normally can’t always use zenith powers. When you roll initiative for the creature, roll 1d3. Once that many rounds have elapsed, the creature is considered fully attuned and gains access to its zenith powers. After it uses a zenith power, it’s no longer fully attuned, and you roll 1d3 again to see how many rounds it will take to recharge.
If a creature has stellar alignment (graviton) or stellar alignment (photon), it’s considered to be attuned only in the indicated mode and can become fully attuned only in the indicated mode, as described above.
 書式その他の特殊能力 stellar alignment (graviton).
サモン・アライ(擬呪)/Summon Allies''
出典 'Alien Archive 2 pg. 152, Alien Archive pg. 156
 書式擬似呪文能力 1回/日—サモン・アライ(インプ1体 60%)
飲み込み(変則)/Swallow Whole''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 156, Alien Archive 3 pg. 154
 If the creature hits with the indicated attack (usually a bite attack), it deals the normal damage. If the creature’s attack roll hits the target’s KAC + 4, the creature also automatically grapples the foe as part of the attack action. (If it hits the target’s KAC + 13, it instead pins the target). The creature doesn’t need to have a free limb to perform this grapple. Unless otherwise specified, a creature can swallow whole only targets that are at least one size category smaller than itself, and it has room for a single target of that size in its stomach (doubling the maximum number of creatures it can have swallowed for each additional size category by which these creatures are smaller).
 On the creature’s next turn after grappling or pinning the target, if the target hasn’t escaped the grapple or pin, the target automatically takes the attack’s damage at the beginning of the creature’s turn. The creature can then make a new attack roll with the same attack. If the roll equals or exceeds the target’s KAC, the grapple or pin is maintained. If the roll equals or exceeds the target’s KAC + 4, the target is swallowed whole (no damage is dealt).
 Once swallowed, the target takes the listed swallow whole damage automatically at the beginning of its turn every round. The target is considered grappled as long as it’s swallowed. The target can attempt to cut its way out (the interior of a creature with swallow whole has the same EAC as its exterior and a KAC equal to that of its exterior – 4) by dealing an amount of damage equal to one-quarter the swallowing creature’s total Hit Points, though any attack that doesn’t deal slashing damage deals only half its normal damage. If a target cuts its way out of the creature, the creature can’t use swallow whole again until that damage is healed.
Alternatively, a swallowed target can attempt to climb out. The swallowed creature must succeed at both a grapple check against the creature’s internal KAC + 8 and an Athletics check to climb (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × the creature’s CR). Each of these actions takes a full round. If both checks are successful, the target climbs back up to the creature’s mouth and can escape, ending up in an open square adjacent to the creature.
 書式近接 噛みつき=+19(5d4+16 P 加えて飲み込み);”攻撃能力” 飲み込み(5d4+16 A、EAC 30、KAC 27、71 HP)。
 ガイドライン: クリーチャーの標準的な近接攻撃と同じダメージを使用する。
Swarm Attack(変則)/Swarm Attack''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 156, Alien Archive pg. 157, Alien Archive 2 pg. 153
 The creature automatically deals the listed damage to each creature whose space it occupies at the end of its turn with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks aren’t subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover.
 書式近接 swarm attack (1d6+2 P).
 ガイドライン:To determine the amount of damage a creature of CR 6 or lower deals with swarm attack, use the value listed in the CR 6 Three Attacks entry on its appropriate array table, lowering the additional damage from that CR to match its actual CR. For all other creatures, use the Four Attacks entry for its CR in the corresponding array table.
Swarm Defenses(変則)/Swarm Defenses''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 156, Alien Archive 2 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 157
 Swarms take damage from weapons differently depending on how the weapon targets them.
A swarm is immune to attacks and effects that target a single creature (including single-target spells), with the exception of mind-affecting effects if the swarm has an Intelligence score and an ability similar to a formian’s hive mind.
 A swarm takes half again as much damage (+50%) from effects that affect all targets in an area, such as grenades, blast and explode weapons, and many evocation spells.
 A swarm takes normal damage from an attack or effect that affects multiple targets (including lines and fully automatic mode attacks). For the purpose of automatic fire, the swarm counts as five targets. For example, if an automatic attack is made using 12 rounds of ammunition, it can attack a maximum of six targets, so it can damage a swarm normally. However, if two other targets are closer to the attacker than the swarm, they must be attacked first, leaving only four attacks to target the swarm, so it takes no damage.
 書式防御能力 swarm defenses.
スウォームの完全耐性(変則)/Swarm Immunities''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 156, Alien Archive pg. 157, Alien Archive 2 pg. 153
 Swarms are immune to the following effects, unless the effect specifies it works against swarms.
Bleeding, critical hits, flat-footed, off-target, pinned, prone, staggered, and stunned.
Combat maneuvers—swarms can’t be affected by and can’t perform combat maneuvers, unless the swarm’s description says otherwise.
Dying—a swarm reduced to 0 Hit Points breaks up and ceases to exist as a swarm, though individual members of it might survive.
 書式: ”完全耐性” スウォームの完全耐性
出典 'Alien Archive 3 pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 153, Alien Archive pg. 157
 The creature can use the Perception skill to perform the follow tracks task of the Survival skill with the listed sense. The sense is usually related to a type of signature that most creatures leave behind, such as a scent or heat trail. The creature might gain a bonus or penalty to its Perception check to follow tracks depending on the strength of the quarry’s signature, at the GM’s discretion. It is possible for stronger signatures to completely mask other signatures, making following tracks with a weaker signature very difficult.
 書式:”その他の特殊能力”:tracking (scent).
出典 'Alien Archive 3 pg. 154, Alien Archive pg. 157, Alien Archive 2 pg. 154
 As a full action, the creature can move up to its speed and through the space of any creatures that are at least one size smaller than itself. The creature does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can attempt a Reflex save with the listed DC to take half damage; if it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling creature due to the creature’s movement. A creature can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round.
 書式:”攻撃能力” 蹂躙(3d4+14 B、DC 16)
 ガイドライン:The amount of damage the trample deals should be the same as the creature’s standard melee damage.
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 156, Alien Archive 3 pg. 154, Alien Archive 2 pg. 154, Alien Archive pg. 158
 書式:”言語” 真言
アンデッドの完全耐性(変則)/Undead Immunities''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 156, Alien Archive pg. 158, Alien Archive 2 pg. 154, Alien Archive 3 pg. 154
 書式: ”完全耐性” アンデッドの完全耐性
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 156, Alien Archive 3 pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 154, Alien Archive pg. 158
 書式防御能力 挟撃不可
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 156, Alien Archive pg. 158, Alien Archive 2 pg. 154, Alien Archive 3 pg. 155
 The creature has no Constitution score or modifier. Any DCs or other statistics that rely on a Constitution score treat the creature as having a score of 10 (+0). The creature is immediately destroyed when it reaches 0 Hit Points. An unliving creature doesn’t heal damage naturally, but a construct can be repaired with the right tools. Spells, such as make whole, can heal constructs, and magic effects can heal undead. An unliving creature with fast healing (page 153) still benefits from that ability. Unliving creatures don’t breathe, eat, or sleep. They can’t be raised or resurrected, except through the use of miracle, wish, or a similar effect that specifically works on unliving creatures.
出典 'Alien Archive 2 pg. 154, Alien Archive pg. 158
 A vortex ability works identically to the whirlwind ability, except the creature gains a swim speed instead of a fly speed, it can form only in a liquid (such as in water), it cannot leave a liquid medium, and it always blocks all vision within it and line of sight past it. In addition, carried creatures must have a swim speed in order to attempt a Reflex save to escape.
 書式防御能力 渦潮(4d6+8 B、DC 15、1回/日)
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 157, Alien Archive pg. 158, Alien Archive 2 pg. 154, Alien Archive 3 pg. 155
 The creature takes half again as much damage (+50%) when it takes damage of a specific type. Creatures with a vulnerability to an effect that doesn’t deal damage instead take a –4 penalty to saves against spells and effects that cause or use the listed vulnerability (such as enchantments). Some creatures might suffer additional effects, as noted in their stat blocks.
 書式:”弱点” [火炎]に対する脆弱性
水中呼吸(変則)/Water Breathing''
出典 'Alien Archive 4 pg. 157, Alien Archive 3 pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 154, Alien Archive pg. 158
 The creature can breathe water. It can’t breathe air unless it has the amphibious special ability.
 書式:”その他の特殊能力”:water breathing.
出典 'Alien Archive 2 pg. 154, Alien Archive pg. 158
 The creature can transform into a whirlwind as a standard action. Unless otherwise specified, the creature can remain in whirlwind form for a number of rounds equal to half its CR. If the creature has a fly speed, it retains that in its whirlwind form. If it does not have a fly speed, it gains an extraordinary fly speed (with average maneuverability) equal to its base speed. A creature in whirlwind form can move freely into and through other creatures’ spaces, and it does not provoke attacks of opportunity as a result of its movement.

 The base of a creature in whirlwind form occupies a 5-foot square. The whirlwind is twice as wide at its top as its base and has a height equal to four times the width of its base; this doesn’t change the size category of the creature. If a creature is Large or larger, it can vary the size of its whirlwind form up to a maximum of a base equal to its normal space as a swift or move action. A creature in whirlwind form does not threaten any spaces around it, and it cannot make its normal attacks.

 If a creature in whirlwind form enters the space of another creature, that creature must succeed at a Fortitude save with the listed DC or take the whirlwind’s listed damage. If the whirlwind covers all of the creature’s space, the creature must also succeed at a Reflex save or be picked up by the whirlwind and carried along with it. A carried creature is flat.footed, grappled, and off-target, and it automatically takes the whirlwindfs damage at the beginning of its turn. If the carried creature can fly, it can attempt a Reflex save as a move action, escaping on a successful save. If a carried creature does not escape, it can attempt a Fortitude save; if it succeeds, it can take any remaining actions it has on its turn (other than movement). On a failed save, the carried creature is unable to act until its next turn or until the whirlwind releases it.

 A creature in whirlwind form can carry up to two creatures of its size, with the total number it can carry doubling for every size category the affected creatures are smaller than the whirlwind. The creature in whirlwind form can eject a carried creature at any time during its turn, dropping the carried creature in a space of its choice adjacent to its position at the time of ejection. At the GMfs discretion, if the whirlwind is in contact with dirt, gases, water, or other material that can be easily drawn into it, the whirlwind blocks all vision within it (including darkvision) and blocks line of sight through it.
 書式:”攻撃能力” whirlwind (4d6+8 B, DC 15, 1/day).
 ガイドライン:This ability is generally usable once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 5 CR the creature has. The amount of damage the whirlwind deals should be the same as the creaturefs standard melee damage. Whirlwinds normally deal bludgeoning damage.







  • 第11章:Game Mastering
  • 第13章:Pathfinder Legacy

Pact Worlds



